CEMM assisted in the organization of the first Slovenian mikroskopistov consultations to be held on 18 and 19 May 2015 in Piran. The basic aim is to collect, present and connect young and already established Slovenian researchers in the fields of natural sciences, materials science and industry, which in its work using microscopic techniques. More…
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The workshop was intended for PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and already experienced mikroskopistom. Topics cover the queuing of quantitative electron microscopy (STEM BF, ADF, HAADF, ABF) pektroskopijo EELS and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) .Delavnica was divided into three modules: Experimental and quantitative HAADF–STEM Experimental and quantitative core-loss and low-loss EELS Experimental and quantitative EDXS At…
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In the beginning of the year we started the renovation of the premises of the Centre for electron microscopy and microanalysis. The figures below show the final result.
With the new year 2015 the infrastructure unit CEMM within the Jozef Stefan Institute has been established, which combines analytical equipment in the field of electron microscopy and microanalysis, which is essential for implementation of research and development work sections of the JSI. Collaborators CEMM, Janez Zavašnik, Andrew Šestan and Maja Koblar are responsible for the…
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